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Welcome to NYCU Innovation Intelligence Lab. The goal of the NYCU Innovation Intelligence Lab is to investigate cutting-edge interdisciplinary research in the areas of Sci-Tech and and Innovation Management, Big Data, Decision Intelligence. Through the NYCT Innovation Intelligence Lab, faculty and students undertake research to support the needs of the emerging interdisciplinary research community. The lab performs high quality research in Innovation studies which require integrated implications among Management, Innovation and Intelligence. In addition, the lab provides training and education to enhance the human resources available to academy and industry.

2022 by NYCU Innovation Intelligence Lab




Innovation Intelligence Lab aims to investigate 1) interdisciplinary research, 2) evidence-based research, and 3) problem-oriented research, in order to sort out existing socioeconomic problems as well as contribute to policy, management and innovation theories which play importantly in modern society. More particularly, Innovation Intelligence Lab investigates researches in sci-tech policy, innovation management, intellectual property management, patent big data, to understand mechanism of technological innovation and contribute to interdisciplinary technology management and innovation intelligence. The Innovation Intelligence Lab Integrates disciplines of management, innovation and intelligence for generating management or innovation implications needed in fostering the formation of a knowledge-based economy.

In addition to the above missions, Innovation Intelligence Lab also seeks to disseminate innovation research results, promotes formation of interdisciplinary research community and encourages communication by participating academic activities, exchanging innovative ideas and establishing interdisciplinary network, and more importantly educating domestic and international students.





  1. Su, H.-N., Chung, H.-M., Chen, C.-S., Tsai, Y.-T., Hsu, L.-Y., Sun, Y., Tsai, Y.-T., Jiang, C.-N., Huang, K.-J., & Lin, W.-H. (2023) Designing Innovative Courses for Net Zero Emissions: Demonstrating the Development of Talent for Technological Zero-Carbon Transition, Taipei, Eculture (ISBN:9789577113221)

  2. Su, H.-N., Chung, H.-M., Zhou, Y.-C., Ruan, H.-Y., Huang, Y.-C., Li, H.-L., Hsu, L.-Y., Chan, H.-T., Chen, H.-C., Chen, G.-R., & Liang, G.-S. (2023) Demonstrating Sustainable Management in Universities: The Path of Sustainable Innovation at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Eculture (ISBN13:9789577112996)

  3. Wu, R.-Z., Lin, C.-C., Chen, K.-H., Chen, Y.-R., Guo, G.-T., Chang, J.-C., Chang, C.-B., Huang, Y.-H., Huang, Y.-Y., Huang, S.-Y., Huang, M.-W., Chao, Y.-J., Chong, H.-M., & Su, H.-N. (2023). Net Zero Transformation. Taipei City: Yuanhua Creative Publishing. ISBN13: 9789577113290.

  4. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee, Hsuan-I Liu, Chung-Chun Hung, Jeng-Hua Ien, Kuo-Ming Chien (2008) Nanotechnology Development and Trend Analysis–Global Nanotechnology Development and Planning, Taipei: STPI, National Applied Research Laboratories. (ISBN 978-957-619-141-1)

  5. Hsin-Ning Su (2004) Thermodynamic Modeling of Al and Ni Based Ternary Alloy Systems (Ph. D. Dissertation). Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL.

  6. Hsin-Ning Su (1995) Catalytic Study for Solid Super Acid over Beckmann Rearrangement of Cyclohexanol Oxime (Master Thesis). National Taiwan University, Taipei.

  7. Hsin-Ning Su (1995) Understanding Chinese Prophecy, Liwil Publishing Co., Taipei. (ISBN: 957-8982-52-6)

  8. Hsin-Ning Su (1995) Beginners’ Guide for Internet Bulletin Board System, Taipei: Liwil Publishing Co., Taipei. (ISBN 957-8982-66-6)




  1. Tao Wang, Chao Yu and Hsin-Ning Su* (2024) Navigating the global landscape: the role of technological fusion and transnational knowledge in shaping standard-essential patents, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation (SSCI, 2023 Impact Factor= 8)

  2. I-Chun Lai and Hsin-Ning Su* (2024) Initiating Technology Convergence Through Knowledge Integration: The Critical Role of Dynamic Capabilities, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 11533-11550 (2023 Impact Factor= 4.6)

  3. Tao Wang, Chao Yu, Xiao Shi, Hsin-Ning Su* (2024) From recombination to diffusion: Exploring the impact of knowledge recombination characteristics on geographical knowledge diffusion, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 72 (2024) 101818 (SSCI, 2022 impact factor= 4.8)

  4. I-Chun Lai, Hsin-Ning Su* (2024) Knowledge Spectrum Explored: Understanding Source-Recipient Interactions and their Influence on Technology Convergence, Technovation (Accepted, SSCI, 2022 impact factor=12.5)

  5. Chuan-Wei Kuo, Bo-Yu Chen, Wen-Chih Peng, Chih-Chieh Hung, Hsin-Ning Su (2024) Correlation-aware Graph Data Augmentation with Implicit and Explicit Neighbors, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 18 (5), 1-23 (SCI, 2022 impact factor=4.3)

  6. Hsin-Ning Su (2024) From Innovation to Standardization: Unraveling the Impact of R&D Strategies on Standard-Setting Processes, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 1569–1584 (SSCI, 2022 impact factor=5.8)

  7. Hsin-Ning Su*, Igam M. Moaniba (2023) Geographic Distance and Innovation: The Impact of Distant Knowledge Acquired on Patent Value,72 (2024) 101818

  8. Chao Yu, Tao Wang, Ang-Lu Lin, Hsin-Ning Su* (2023) Analyzing Status Quo of Technology Fusion by Using Patents: A Global and Technical Assessment, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Accepted (SSCI, 2021 impact factor= 702)

  9. Hsin-Ning Su (2022) How do Patent-based Measures Inform Patent Collateral? A Holistic Analysis on all USPTO Patents Between 1986 and 2016, IEEE transactions on Engineering Management, 69(6), 3265 - 3275. (SSCI, 2019 Impact factor= 2.784, in Press)

  10. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su*  (2022) Analyzing Twenty-Five Years’ Journal of Technology Management for Understanding Technology Management Research Community in Taiwan, Journal of Technology Management (In Chinese, TSSCI, Corresponding Author)

  11. Hsin-Ning Su (2021) How does Distant Collaboration Influence R&D Quality? Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (SSCI, in Press)

  12. Hsin-Ning Su*, Keng-Hua Chuang (2021) How to Accelerate Knowledge Transmission of High-valued Patent? Analyzing Factors Influencing Geographic Knowledge Diffusion Speed, Journal of Technology Management, 25(4), 37-76. (In Chinese, TSSCI, Corresponding Author)

  13. Igam M. Moaniba, Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2020) How does External Knowledge Sourcing Enhance Product Development? Evidence from Drug Commercialization, Technology in Society, 63, 101414. (SSCI, 2019 impact factor= 2.414)

  14. Igam M. Moaniba, Hsin-Ning Su*, Pei-Chun Lee (2020) Geographic Distance Between Co-inventors and Firm Performance: The moderating roles of interfirm and cross-country collaborations, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 157, 120070.  (SSCI, 2019 impact factor= 5.846)

  15. Hsin-Ning Su*, Igam M. Moaniba (2020) Does Geographic Distance to Partners Affect Firm R&D Spending? The Moderating Roles of Individuals, Firms, and Countries, Journal of Business Research 106, 12-23. (SSCI, 2019 impact factor= 4.874)

  16. Igam M. Moaniba, Hsin-Ning Su*, Pei-Chun Lee (2019) On the Drivers of Innovation: Does the Co-evolution of Technological Diversification and International Collaboration Matter? Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 148, 119710. (SSCI, 2019 impact factor= 5.846)

  17. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Ning Su* (2019) The Innovative Fulcrums of Technological Interdisciplinarity: an Analysis of Technology Fields in Patents, Technovation, 84-85, 59-71. (SSCI, 2019 impact factor= 5.729)

  18. Hsin-Ning Su*, Yi-Siang Lin (2018) How Do Patent-based Measures Inform Product Commercialization? —The Case of the United States Pharmaceutical Industry, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 50, 24-38. (SSCI, 2017 impact factor= 2.686)

  19. Pei-Chun Lee, Ssu-Hua Chen, Yi-Siang Lin, Hsin-Ning Su* (2019) Toward a Better Understanding on Technological Resilience for Sustaining Industrial Development, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 66(3), 398-411 (SSCI, 2017 impact factor= 1.416)

  20. Igam M. Moaniba, Hsin-Ning Su*, Pei-Chun Lee (2018) Knowledge Recombination and Technological Innovation: The Important Role of Cross-Disciplinary Knowledge, Innovation: Organization & Management, 20(4), 326-352. (SSCI, 2017 impact factor= 0.915)

  21. Igam M. Moaniba, Hsin-Ning Su*, Pei-Chun Lee (2018) Does Reverse Causality Explain the Relationship Between Economic Performance and Technological Diversity? Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(3), 859-892. (SSCI, 2017 impact factor= 3.244)

  22. Pei-Chun Lee, Ssu-Hua Chen, Hsin-Ning Su* (2018) Exploring Technological Resilience at the Country Level with Patents, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 30(9), 1105-1120. (SSCI, 2017 impact factor= 1.49)

  23. Hsin-Ning Su (2017) How to Analyze Technology Lifecycle from the Perspective of Patent Characteristics: The Cases of DVDs and Hard Drives, R&D Management, 48(3), 308-319. (SSCI, 2017 impact factor= 3.046)

  24. Hsin-Ning Su*, Igam M. Moaniba (2017) Investigating the Dynamics of Interdisciplinary Evolution in Technology Developments, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 122, 12-23. (SSCI, 2016 impact factor= 2.625)

  25. Hsin-Ning Su*, Igam M. Moaniba (2017) Does Innovation Respond to Climate Change? Empirical Evidence from Patents and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 122, 49-62. (SSCI, 2016 impact factor= 2.625)

  26. Hsin-Ning Su (2017) Global Interdependence of Collaborative R&D-Typology and Association of International Co-Patenting, Sustainability, 9(4), 541. (SSCI, 2016 impact factor=1.789)

  27. Hsin-Ning Su (2017) Collaborative and Legal Dynamics of International R&D- Evolving patterns in East Asia, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 117, 217-227. (SSCI, 2016 impact factor= 2.625)

  28. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2014) Government-funded Community of Science and Technology Policy Research in Taiwan, Asian Research Policy, 5, 24-37.

  29. Hsin-Ning Su*, Ching-Wen Kang, Jia-Yun Lin, Tsai-Ge Lu, Cho-Heng Lee (2014) Analyzing Technological Knowledge Flows in Global Bicycle Industry, Leisure Study, 6(2), 44-62. (in Chinese, First and Corresponding Author, ISSN: 2073-2368)

  30. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2014) How to Forecast Cross-Border Patent Infringement? – the Case of U.S. International Trade, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 86, 125-131. (SSCI, 2012 impact factor= 2.106, Corresponding Author)

  31. Hsin-Ning Su*, Tsai-Ge Lu, Ching-Wen Kang, Jia-Yun Lin, Cho-Heng Lee (2013) Intellectual Property Portfolio Analysis on Taiwan’s Bicycle Industry, Journal of Innovation and Business Management, 4 (2), 19-30. (DOI: 10.6270/JIBM.2013.4(2)19, In Chinese, First and Corresponding Author)

  32. Pei-Chun Lee, Carey Ming-Li Chen, Hsin-Ning Su* (2013) Evaluating Application of Non-Patent Reference, Journal of Technology Management, 18 (3), 1-31. (In Chinese, Corresponding Author)

  33. Hsin-Ning Su*, Carey Ming-Li Chen, Pei-Chun Lee (2012) Patent Litigation Precaution Method- Analyzing Characteristics of US Litigated and Non-litigated Patents from 1976 to 2010, Scientometrics, 92 (1), 181-195. (SSCI, 2011 impact factor=1.966, 23/99, First Author) 

  34. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2012) Framing the Structure of Global Open Innovation Research, Journal of Informetrics, 6 (2), 202-216. (SSCI, 2011 impact= 4.229, 2/83)

  35. Hsin-Ning Su (2011) Visualization of Global Science and Technology Policy Research Structure, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63 (2):242-255.(SSCI, 2009 impact factor= 2.3)

  36. Pei-Chun Lee, Te-Yi Chan, Hsin-Ning Su* (2010) Assessment of Ontology-Based Knowledge Network Formation by Vector-Space Model, Scientometrics,85 (3), 689-703. (SSCI, 2008 impact factor= 2.328, Corresponding Author)

  37. Feng-Shang Wu, Chun-Chi Shiu, Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2010) A Systematic Approach for Analyzing Science and Technology Trends- A Case of Etching Technology, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 78 (3), 386-407. (SSCI, 2009 impact factor= 1.776, Corresponding Author)

  38. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2010) Quantitative Mapping of Scientific Research — The Case of Electrical Conducting Polymer Nanocomposite, Technological Forecasting & Social Chang, 78 (1), 132-151. (SSCI, 2009 impact factor= 1.776, Corresponding Author)

  39. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2010) Mapping Knowledge Structure by Keyword Co-occurrence- A First Look at Journal Papers in Technology Foresight, Scientometric, 85 (1), 65-79. (SSCI, 2008 impact factor= 2.328, First Author)

  40. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2010) Investigating the structure of regional innovation system research through keyword co-occurrence and social network analysis. Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice. 12(1), 26-40. (SSCI, impact factor= 0.379, Corresponding Author)

  41. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su*, Feng-Shang Wu (2010) Quantitative Mapping of Patented Technology - The Case of Electrical Conducting Polymer Nanocomposite. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 77 (3), 466-478. (SSCI, 2009 impact factor= 1.776, Corresponding Author)

  42. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2010) Foresight on Taiwan Nanotechnology Industry in 2020, Foresight. 12(5), 58-79. (Indexed in INSPEC and Scopus)

  43. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2009) Assessment of Thermal Stable Polymer Nanocomposite Techniques by Patent Citation Network Analysis. Journal of Business Chemistry, 6(3), 108-125. (indexed in EBSCO, Corresponding Author)

  44. Jie Chen, Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2009) Korean Strategy for 4G Information and Communication Development, Sci-Tech Policy Review, 2009.

  45. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2009) Identifying Critical Techniques- A Case of Thermal Stable Polymer Nanocomposite-Patent Citation Network Analysis (II), Industrial materials, 272, 142-149. (in Chinese)

  46. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2009) Identifying Critical Techniques- A Case of Thermal Stable Polymer Nanocomposite-Patent Citation Network Analysis (I), Industrial materials, 271, 166-170. (in Chinese)

  47. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2009) Investigate Dynamic Evolution of Technology Development by Patent Citation network, Journal of Technology Management, 14(3), 65-107.

  48. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2008) Development trend of nanocomposite Material – Analysis by Patent Citation and Technology Forecast (II), Industrial materials, 262. 217-220. (in Chinese)

  49. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2008) Development trend of nanocomposite Material – Analysis by Patent Citation and Technology Forecast (I), Industrial materials, 261, 203-208. (in Chinese)

  50. Jun Lee, Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2008) National Nanotechnology Strategy – Technology Foresight of Japan, Germany and Denmark, Sci-Tech Policy Review, 2, 75-79. (in Chinese)

  51. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2007) A New Social Perspective for TaiwanTechnology Development-Implantation of Technology Foresight into National Innovation Policy”, Sci-Tech Policy Review - International Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2.

  52. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun, Lee, Min-Hua,Tsai, Kuo-Ming, Chien (2007) Current Situation and Industrialization of Taiwan Nanotechnology, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 9(6), 965-975. (SCI) 

  53. Rongxiang Hu, Hsin-Ning Su, and Philip Nash (2007) Enthalpies of Formation and Lattice Parameters of B2 Phases in Al–Ni–X systems, Pure Appl. Chem., 79(10), 1653–1673. (SCI)

  54. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2007) Technology Foresight and Taiwan Innovation Policy, Sci-Tech Policy Review - International Journal, Jul. 2007. (in Chinese)

  55. Hsin-Ning Su and Philip Nash (2005) Enthalpy of Formation in the Al-Ni-Ru System, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 403, (1-2), 217-222. (SCI)

  56. Philip Nash, Hsin-Ning Su and Ole Kleppa (2002) Enthalpies of Formation of Compounds in the Al-Ni-Y System, Transactions of Non-ferrous Metals Soc. China, 12(2), 754-758. (SCI) 



  1. Yu-Ting Tsai*, Ching-Shan Chen, Hsin-Ning Su (2023) Deciphering Technology Dissemination: SEPs and Knowledge Originality Explored, 2023 ISPIM Conference, Dec. 11-13, Salzburg, Austria.

  2. Chin-Shan Chen, Yu-Ting Tsai, Hsin-Ning Su (2023) Multi-Metric Assessment of Pharmaceutical Patents: A Novel Paradigm for Originality, Dec. 11-13, Salzburg, Austria.

  3. Yu Sun, Hsin-Ning Su (2023) Investigating the competitive strategy of the semiconductor industry through patent indicators, 2023 TFSC conference, Oct. 28-30, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  4. Pattharaporn Wipatkrut, Hsin-Ning Su (2023). In what ways does technology convergence foster originality? 2023 ISPIM Conference, Jun. 4-7, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

  5. I-Chun Lai, Hsin-Ning Su (2023) Find the Potential New Convergence: Characteristics of Citing Patents which Flagged the Birth of Technology Convergence, 2023 ISPIM Conference, Jun. 4-7, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

  6. Yu-Ting Tsai, Hsin-Ning Su (2023) A Novel Patent Indicator for Measuring Knowledge Attribute of A Technology, 2023 ISPIM Conference, Jun. 4-7, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

  7. Ling-Yun Hsu, Hsin-Ning Su (2023) How geographical and cultural differences influence, 2023 ISPIM Conference, Jun. 4-7, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

  8. Pattharaporn Wipatkrut, Hsin-Ning Su (2023). Effect of Cultural Proximity on Technological Distance. 12th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management, Feb. 16-18, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

  9. Pattharaporn Wipatkrut, Hsin-Ning Su (2022). Analyzing How Cultural and Spatial Similarities of R&D Team Members Impact Interdisciplinary Technological Development, The 18th Annual Meeting of the Operations Research Society of Taiwan (ORSTW 2022), Dec. 09, Hsinchu, Taiwan. 

  10. Pattharaporn Wipatkrut, Hsin-Ning Su (2022) How General is Technological Convergence? 2022 CSMOT, Dec. 02, Taipei, Taiwan

  11. Yu Sun, Hsin-Ning Su (2022) Understand the competitive strategy of the semiconductor industry through patent indicators, 2022 CSMOT, Dec. 02, Taipei, Taiwan

  12. Hsin-Lun Chiang, Hsin-Ning Su (2022) Analyzing How Distance Influences Drug Commercialization, 2022 CSMOT, Dec. 02, Taipei, Taiwan

  13. Hsin-Ning Su, Hsin-Lun Chiang, Ren-Kuan Liu (2022) How do Patent-based Measures Inform Patent Collateral? 2022 R&D management conference, July 9-13, Trento, Italy.

  14. Hsin-Ning Su, Hsin-Lun Chiang, Ren-Kuan Liu (2022) What Drives the Development of Technological Standards? 2022 R&D management conference, July 9-13, Trento, Italy.

  15. Yu-Ting Tsai, Hsin-Ning Su (2022) Reviewing Distance in Patent-Based Innovation Studies, 2022 R&D management conference, July 9-13, Trento, Italy.

  16. Hsin-Lun Chiang, Hsin-Ning Su (2022) Identifying Critical Drivers for New Drug Commercialization in Pharmaceutical Industry, 2022 ASIALICS, Jun 29-30, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  17. Hsin-Li Li, Hsin-Ning Su (2022) How Does Cultural Distance Influence Patent Quality? 2022 ASIALICS, Jun 29-30, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  18. Yun-Tzu Chou, Hsin-Ning Su (2022) How does Cultural Difference Influence Technological Interdisciplinarity? 2022 ASIALICS, Jun 29-30, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  19. Pattharaporn Wipatkruta, Hsin-Lun Chianga, Hsin-Ning Su, Stan Shih (2021) How Wangdao Management Influences Open Innovation: The Case of Personal Computers, 2021 ACKIM, Dec. 4, Bangkok.

  20. Yu-Ting Tsai, Hsin-Ning Su, Stan Shih (2021) Wangdao Management: An Ambicultural Synergizing Management Style, 2021 ACKIM, Dec. 4, Bangkok.

  21. Yun-Tzu Chou, Tsai-Ni Chiang, Hsin-Ning Su (2021) Analyzing R&D Characteristics of Military Technology Development, 2021 CSMOT, Nov. 26, Taichung, Taiwan.

  22. Hsin-Li Li, Tsai-Ni Chiang, Hsin-Ning Su (2021) Technological Portfolio Analysis of Digital Twins in Defense Security Application, 2021 CSMOT, Nov. 26, Taichung, Taiwan

  23. Yu-Chun Huang, Tsai-Ni Chiang, Hsin-Ning Su (2021) An Overview of Taiwan’s Innovation on Military Technology: The Case of National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology, 2021 CSMOT, Nov. 26, Taichung, Taiwan.

  24. Li-Rong Chen, Yi-Hong Liu, Chun-You Wang, Hsin-Ning Su (2021) Analyzing Industrial Material Technology Portfolio and Industrial Development Context- The Case of Railway Brake Materials, 2021 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE), Nov. 20, Tainan, Taiwan.

  25. Yu Sun, Yu-Ting Tsai, Hsin-Ning Su(2021)How to Analyze Evolutionary Context and Knowledge Diffusion, 2021 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE), Nov. 20, Tainan, Taiwan.

  26. Pattharaporn Wipatkrut and Hsin-Ning Su (2021)  Does the cultural distance and geographic distance affect technology development? The evidence of technology distance from patent data, 2021 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE), Nov. 20, Tainan, Taiwan.

  27. Hsin-Lun Chiang, Hsin-Ning Su (2021) Identifying Critical Drivers for New Drug Commercialization in Pharmaceutical Industry, 2021 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE), Nov. 20, Tainan, Taiwan.

  28. Yu-Chun Huang, Chuan-Yu Chen, Hsin-Ning Su (2021) Do Patent Characteristics Influence Technological Distance? 2021 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE), Nov. 20, Tainan, Taiwan.

  29. Yun-Tzu Chou, Hsin-Ning Su(2021) How does cultural distance influence technological distance? 2021 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE), Nov. 20, Tainan, Taiwan.

  30. Hsin-Li Li, Hsin-Ning Su(2021) How Does Cultural Distance Influence Patent Quality? 2021 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE), Nov. 20, Tainan, Taiwan.

  31. Ying-An Chen, Yi-Ting Tsai, Hsin-Ning Su (2021) Analyzing deterministic factors of technological convergence for personal computer industry, ISPIM, Jun 20-23, Berlin, Germany

  32. Yi-Ting Tsai, Ying-An Chen, Hsin-Ning Su (2021) How do knowledge originalities influence standard- setting? ISPIM, Jun 20-23, Berlin, Germany

  33. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2020) Retrospect of Thirty Years’ Journal of Technology Management, 2020 CSMOT, Dec. 11, HsinChu, Taiwan.

  34. Yi-Ting Tsai, Ying-An Chen, Hsin-Lun Chiang, Hsin-Ning Su (2020) Analyzing deterministic factors of technological convergence, 2020 CSMOT, Dec. 11, HsinChu, Taiwan.

  35. Yong-Tien Chu, Hsin-Ning Su (2019) How do knowledge originality and generality influence geographic diffusion speed of technological knowledge? 2019 CSMOT, Nov. 15, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

  36. Ang-Lu Lin, Hsin-Ning Su (2019) Looking at the key competitiveness of smart manufacturing from patent big data, 2019 CSMOT, Nov. 15, Taoyuan, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  37. Keng-Hua Chuang, Hsin-Ning Su (2019) Understanding implicit technological innovation strategy through knowledge-development context of standard essential patent, 2019 CSMOT, Nov. 15, Taoyuan, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  38. Bing-Lun Tsai, Hsin-Ning Su (2019) Analyzing innovation dynamics through technological knowledge interdependency- a case of smart retailing industry, 2019 CSMOT, Nov. 15, Taoyuan, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  39. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Ning Su, Hsin-Yu Shih (2019) Explore the Innovative Fulcrums of Patented Technology: a Perspective of Technology Embeddedness, 2019 PICMET, Aug. 25-29, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)

  40. Ang-Lu Lin, Hsin-Ning Su, Yun-Wei Hung, Hsin-Lun Chiang (2019) How Smart is Retailing? 2019 ICSET, Aug. 15~17, Taipei, Taiwan

  41. Bing-Lun Tsai, Hsin-Ning Su, Yun-Wei Hung, Hsin-Lun Chiang (2019) Knowledge Interdependency for Sustaining Smart Retailing Innovation Ecosystem, 2019 ICSET, Aug. 15~17, Taipei, Taiwan

  42. Keng-Hua Chuang, Hsin-Ning Su, Yun-Wei Hung, Hsin-Lun Chiang (2019) Dynamic Smart Retailing Innovation from an Evolutionary Perspective, 2019 ICSET, Aug. 15~17, Taipei, Taiwan

  43. Igam M. Moaniba, Hsin-Ning Su*, Pei-Chun Lee (2019) Collaboration and R&D spending in the new era: Does geographic distance between co-inventors matter? 2019 Academy of Management Conference, Aug. 9-13, Boston, Massachusetts.

  44. Chih-Hua Huang*, Hsin-Ning Su (2019) How does Geographic Distance Influence R&D Expenditure and investment? 2019 RISB, Jan. 18-19, Seoul, South Korea.

  45. Hsin-Yin Chang*, Hsin-Ning Su (2019) Exploring the Role of Collaboration on Product Development- the Case of New Drug, 2019 RISB, Jan. 18-19, Seoul, South Korea.

  46. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Ning Su, Hsin-Yu Shih (2018) Analyzing Patent Transactions with Patent-based Measures, 2018 PICMET, Aug. 19-23, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (EI)

  47. Hsin-Ning Su* (2018) Exploring R&D Strategies for Developing Standard-Setting Technologies in ICT, The 18th Technology Vocational Education Conference on Educational Quality Management, Jun. 8, ChangHua, Taiwan.

  48. Hsin-Ning Su*, Igam M. Moaniba, Pei-Chun Lee (2017) The Interplay among Technological diversification, International Collaboration and Innovation, 2017 ISPIM, Dec. 10-13, Melbourne, Australia.

  49. Hsin-Ning Su*, Ssu-Hua Chen, Pei-Chun Lee (2017) How Patent-based Measures Inform Patent Collateral? 2017 ISPIM, Dec. 10-13, Melbourne, Australia.

  50. Hsin-Ning Su, Ssu-Hua Chen, Yi-Siang Lin, Hsin-Yi Chang  (2017) Network and Knowledge Map Analysis on Digital Humanity Research in Taiwan, 2017 CSMOT, Dec. 1, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  51. Igam M. Moaniba, Hsin-Ning Su (2017) The Coupling Effect of Technological Diversity and Economic Performance: An Endogenous Growth Case, 2017 ICTPI, Sep. 27-29, Taipei, Taiwan.

  52. Hsin-Ning Su*, Igam M. Moaniba (2017) Does Innovation Respond to Climate Change? Evidence from Patents and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2017 Academy of Management Conference, Aug. 4-8, Atlanta, Georgia.

  53. Hsin-Ning Su*, Igam M. Moaniba (2017) Investigating the Dynamics of Interdisciplinary Evolution in Technology Developments, 2017 Academy of Management Conference, Aug. 4-8, Atlanta, Georgia.

  54. Yi-Siang Lin, Hsin-Ning Su (2017) National, Sectoral and Technological Innovation Systems: The Case of Taiwan's Pharmaceutical Industry, 2017 PICMET, Jul. 9-13, Portland, USA. (EI)

  55. Yang-Tai Chou, Hsin-Ning Su (2017) How Do Patents’ Intrinsic Properties Associate with Litigation? 2017 PICMET, Jul. 9-13, Portland, USA. (EI, Corresponding Author)

  56. Ssu-Hua Chen, Hsin-Ning Su (2017) Ambidexterity of Innovative Capability and Economic Performance, 2017 PICMET, Jul. 9-13, Portland, USA. (EI)

  57. Hsin-Ning Su (2017) Exploring Research Focus Association in Digital Humanities, 2017 PICMET, Jul. 9-13, Portland, USA. (EI)

  58. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2017) An Integrated Approach for Analyzing Scientific Structure- Exploring Digital Humanities Research by Bibliometric Method and Association Rule Mining, 2017 COLLNET, Jul. 9-11, Canterbury, UK.

  59. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2017) Technology Resilience of High-Tech Industry, 2017 IAMOT, May. 14-18., Vienna, Austria.

  60. Wei-Ting Shen, Hsin-Ning Su (2016) The Impact of U.S. Patent Litigations on Stock Prices of Taiwan's High Technology Companies, 2016 CSMOT, Nov. 4, Taichung, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  61. Peng-I Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2016) How does Technological Diversification Influence Economic Performance, 2016 CSMOT, Nov. 4, Taichung, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  62. Hsin-Ning Su, Yi-Cheng Luo, Wei-Tine Shen, Peng-I Lee, Ssu-Hua Chen, Shi-Wei Chou (2016) Discussion of Global FinTech Patent and Recent Patent Development of Taiwan Financial Industry, 2016 CSMOT, Nov. 4, Taichung, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  63. Hsin-Ning Su (2016) Dynamics of Multi-National R&D: Evolving Patterns in East Asia, 2016 PICMET, Sep. 4-8, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (EI)

  64. Hsin-Ning Su (2016) Analyzing Scientific Structure of Digital Humanity, 2016 PICMET, Sep. 4-8, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (EI)

  65. Wei-Ting Shen, Hsin-Ning Su* (2016) Evaluating the Use of Patent Family for Understanding Globalized Industrial Innovation, 2016 PICMET, Sep. 4-8, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (EI)

  66. Peng-I Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2016) Framing Patent Indicators for Innovation Study, 2016 PICMET, Sep. 4-8, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (EI)

  67. Hebron C. Chang*, Hsin-Ning Su (2016) Transformability of Universities is Directed by Repositioning After Evaluations: Introduction to a SMTIE Model, 2016 PICMET, Sep. 4-8, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (EI)

  68. Chuan-Wei Kuo, Hsin-Ning Su* (2016) Investigating the Trend of Cross-Disciplinary Evolution in Modern Technological Development, 2016 R&D management conference, July 3-6, Cambridge, UK.

  69. Hebron C. Chang*, Hsin-Ning Su (2015) Transformation of University Model from Educational/Research to Entrepreneurial: A Case Study in Taiwan, 2015 CSMOT, Nov. 19-20, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  70. Pei-Hua Huang*, Hsin-Ning Su (2015) Exploring Industrial Dynamics from the Impact of Science on Technology, 2015 CSMOT, Nov. 19-20, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  71. Tzu-Ying Lee*, Hsin-Ning Su (2015) Exploring the Creation of Technological Knowledge Structure through the Triple Helix of Industry-Government-University, 2015 CSMOT, Nov. 19-20, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  72. Hsin-Ning Su, Yi-Cheng Luo* (2015) Investigating Relations between Internal/External Impact of Patent Citation and Firm's Technological Competitiveness, 2015 CSMOT, Nov. 19-20, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  73. Chuan-Wei Kuo*, Hsin-Ning Su (2015)  Macroscopic Knowledge Source Analysis for Characterizing Global Industry-University Collaboration, 2015 CSMOT, Nov. 19-20, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  74. Yen-Tzu Chu, Hsin-Ning Su* (2015) Understanding Inter-assignee Dynamics of Technological Development, 2015 PICMET, Aug. 2-6, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)

  75. Chien-Che Chiu, Hsin-Ning Su* (2015) What is the Value of Internationalized Patent? 2015 PICMET, Aug. 2-6, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)

  76. Hsin-Ning Su*, Pei-Chun Lee, Ching-Wen Kang, Chien-Cheng Chen (2015) Investigating Map of Digital Humanity Research Sponsored by Taiwan Government, 2015 PICMET, Aug. 2-6, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)

  77. Tzu-Ying Lee, Hsin-Ning SU* (2015) Understanding Technological Dynamics of Knowledge Influence between University and Industry, 2015 PICMET, Aug. 2-6, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)

  78. Pei-Hua Huang, Hsin-Ning Su* (2015) Evaluate the Value of Inter-Industry Knowledge Diffusion, 2015 PICMET, Aug. 2-6, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)

  79. Pei-Chun Lee*, Hsin-Ning Su (2015) Evolution of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in Asia: Case of China, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan, 2015 PICMET, Aug. 2-6, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)

  80. Syuan-Yi Jiang, Hsin-Ning Su* (2015) Profiting from Strategic Legal Activities: Implication from Non-Practicing Entities, 2015 PICMET, Aug. 2-6, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)

  81. Chuan-Wei Kuo, Hsin-Ning Su* (2015) Exploring Influence of R&D Investment, Import and Export Performances to Patent Value, 2015 PICMET, Aug. 2-6, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)

  82. Pei-Chun Lee*, Hsin-Ning Su (2015) How to Analyze Technology Life Cycle from the Perspective of Patent Characteristics? 2015 PICMET, Aug. 2-6, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)

  83. Hebron C. Chang*, Hsin-Ning Su (2015) Assessment of IP Management in Agricultural Biotechnology Industry: Insight from a Case Study, 2015 PICMET, Aug. 2-6, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)

  84. Yi-Cheng Luo*, Hsin-Ning Su (2015) Investigating Technological Evolution of Mobile Telecommunication Industry by Integrating Dynamic Competitive Analysis and Patent Analysis, 2015 PICMET, Aug. 2-6, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)

  85. Tamer Z. Fouad*, Fei-Fei Cheng, Hsin-Ning Su (2015) Towards Open Innovation Process in Geoservice Consortiums Industrial Service Mapping, 2015 Service Science Research Forum, Jun. 6-7, Taichung, Taiwan.

  86. Syuan-Yi, Jiang, Hsin-Ning, Su* (2015) Assessing Patenting Strategy of Non-Practicing Entity- An Empirical Study, 2015 ISPIM, Jun. 14-17, Budapest, Hungary.

  87. Chien-Che Chiu*, Hsin-Ning, Su (2015) How to Evaluate the Value of Internationalized Inventive Activities? 2015 ISPIM, Jun. 14-17, Budapest, Hungary.

  88. Tamer Z. Fouad*, Fei-Fei Cheng, Hsin-Ning Su (2015) Innovation Diffusion for Location Based Services in the Asia-Pacific: Anti Vs. Pro Innovation Bias, 2015 ISPIM, Jun. 14-17, Budapest, Hungary.

  89. Pie-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2014) Technology Life Cycle Analysis Based on Litigated Patents, 2014 CSMOT, Dec. 11-12, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  90. Hebron Chang, Hsin-Ning Su (2014) Foreseeing the Transformation of Modern Agricultural Biotechnology: Sight from Patent Litigation of OSGATA et al. v Monsanto Company, 2014 CSMOT, Dec. 11-12, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  91. Yi-Chen Luo, Hsin-Ning Su (2014) Investigating Technological Evolution of Mobile Telecommunication Industry by Integrating Dynamic Competitive Analysis and Patent Analysis, 2014 CSMOT, Dec. 11-12, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  92. Syuan-Yi Jiang (2014) Patent Evaluation Indicators and Patent Management Model for High-Value Patents, 2014 CSMOT, Dec. 11-12, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  93. Chien-Che Chiu, Hsin-Ning Su (2014) Cross-border Industrial Knowledge Flow and Global Competitive Relations, 2014 CSMOT, Dec. 11-12, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  94. Yen-Tzu Chu, Hsin-Ning Su (2014) Formulating National Development Strategy by Assessing International-Trade based Technological Infringement, 2014 CSMOT, Dec. 11-12, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  95. Michael Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2014) Technology Portfolio, Patent Litigation Probability and Firm Performance, 2014 PICMET, Jul. 27-31, Kanazawa, Japan. (EI)

  96. Ching-Wen Kang, Hsin-Ning Su* (2014) Assessing Innovation Capability and Scientific Impact of Industry Through Patented Technologies, 2014 PICMET, Jul. 27-31, Kanazawa, Japan. (EI)

  97. Chien-Che Chiu, Hsin-Ning Su* (2014) Analysis of Patent Portfolio and Knowledge Flow of the Global Semiconductor Industry, 2014 PICMET, Jul. 27-31, Kanazawa, Japan. (EI)

  98. Yen-Tzu Chu, Hsin-Ning Su* (2014) Understanding Patent Portfolio and Development Strategy of 3D Printing Technology, 2014 PICMET, Jul. 27-31, Kanazawa, Japan. (EI)

  99. Syuan-Yi Jiang, Hsin-Ning Su* (2014) Analyzing Patent Characteristics and Business Strategies of Non-Practicing Entities, 2014 PICMET, Jul. 27-31, Kanazawa, Japan.  (EI)

  100. Jia-Yun Lin, Hsin-Ning Su* (2014) Investigating Technological Innovation Competitiveness by the Use of Patent-Based Indicators: A Global Comparison, 2014 PICMET, Jul. 27-31, Kanazawa, Japan. (EI)

  101. Tsai-Ge Lu, Hsin-Ning Su* (2014) Innovating Intellectual Property Service by Correlating Patent Value and Market Value, ICSSI 2014, June 4-6, Taipei, Taiwan.

  102. Tsai-Ge Lu, Hsin-Ning Su, (2014) Knowledge Spillover Analysis of Renewable Energy Industry, Finance and Management Conference 2014, Mar. 15, Chiayi, Taiwan (In Chinese)

  103. Hsin-Ning Su, Chien-Cheng Chen (2013) The Innovative Energy Analysis on Technology Enterprise (2013) NTCB Conference on Practice and Management 2013, Dec. 13, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  104. Ching-Wen Kang, Hsin-Ning Su* (2013) Measurement of Business Innovation Capacity by Patent Indicators, 2013 CSMOT, Nov. 28-30, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  105. Chia-Yun Lin, Hsin-Ning Su* (2013) Assess Industrial Environment and Innovation Advantages in Taiwan. from the Perspective of Patented Technology, 2013 CSMOT, Nov. 28-30, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  106. Hsin-Ning Su*, Hsuan-Yi Chiang, Michael Lee, Chia-Yun Lin, Ching-Wen Kang, Tsai-Ge Lu (2013) Technological Evolution and Competitive Strategy Analysis for Mobile Phone Industry, 2013 CSMOT, Nov. 28-30, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (2013 CSMOT Best Paper Award, In Chinese)

  107. Tsai-Ge Lu, Hsin-Ning Su* (2013) Patent Value and Market Strategy of Energy Technology Industry, 2013 CSMOT, Nov. 28-30, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  108. Michael Lee, Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2013) Patent Characteristics and Litigation Probability Comparisons Between Taiwan and Korea, 2013 Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, Sep. 26-29, Atlanta, USA.

  109. Pei-Chun Lee, Ching-Wen Kang, Jia-Yun Lin, Yin-Hsuan Wu, Michael Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2013) Legal Perspectives on Global and Regional Technological Environment, 2013 Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, Sep. 26-29., Atlanta, USA.

  110. Hsin-Ning Su*, Yin-Hsuan Wu (2013) Exploring Technological Innovation on Service Management, 2013 Global Business, Theory and Practice of Service Science Conference, June 21, ChangHua, Taiwan.

  111. Michael Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2013) Intellectual Asset Portfolio Service for Enhancing Regional Innovation Capabilities, 2013 ICIM, May 25-26, Tamsui, Taiwan.

  112. Joseph Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2013) Using Software Patent Litigation Data to Identify M&A Targets and Cooperative Partners: Taiwan Automaker Scenario, 2013 ICIM, May 25-26, Tamsui, Taiwan.

  113. Hsin-Ning Su*, Ching-Wen Kang, Jia-Yun Lin, Yin-Hsuan Wu, Michael Lee, Pei-Chun Lee* (2013) How to Innovate Intellectual Property Service by Prediction of Infringement Probability? 2013 ICSSI, May 29-31, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

  114. Jia-Yun Lin, Hsin-Ning Su* (2013) Dynamic Evolution of Technological Service System, 2013 ICSSI, May 29-31, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

  115. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su*, Ching-Wen Kang, Chia-Yun Lin, Yin-Hsuan Wu, Tsai-Ge Lu (2013) Patent Knowledge Flow Analysis on Bicycle Industry, 2013 Industrial Innovation and Technology Management Conference, Jan. 11, Pingtung, Taiwan. (in Chinese)

  116. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su*, Yin-Hsuan Wu, Chia-Yun Lin, Tsai-Ge Lu, Cho-Heng Lee, Ching-Wen Kang (2013) Analysis of Taiwan.’s Intellectual Property Strategy- The Case of Bicycle Patents, 2013 Industrial Innovation and Technology Management Conference, Jan. 11, Taiwan. (in Chinese)

  117. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su*, Ching-Wen Kang, Chia-Yun Lin, Yin-Hsuan Wu (2012) Technological Value Differentiation between Taiwan. and Korea - Patent Characteristics and Litigation Probability Analyses, 2012 CSMOT, Nov. 29- Dec. 1, ChungLi, Taiwan. (in Chinese)

  118. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su*, Yin-Hsuan Wu (2012) Evaluation of Legal Based Patent Value, 2012 CSMOT, Nov. 29- Dec. 1, ChungLi, Taiwan. (in Chinese)

  119. Hsin-Ning Su*, Pei-Chun Lee, Yin-Hsuan Wu (2012) Characterizing Cross-Border and Domestic Patent Infringements in the US, 2012 National Technology Law Conference Proceeding, p.127-149, Nov. 21-22, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  120. Hsin-Ning Su*, Pei-Chun Lee, Yin-Hsuan Wu (2012) Knowledge Flow Analysis on Cross-Border Patent Infringements in the US, 2012 National Technology Law Conference Proceeding, p.717-735, Nov. 21-22, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (In Chinese)

  121. Hsin-Ning Su*, Pei-Chun Lee, Carey Ming-Li Chen, Chun-Hao Chiu (2012) Assessing the Values of Global Patents. 2012 PICMET, 29 Jul. – 2 Aug. 2012, Vancouver, Canada. (EI)

  122. Carey Ming-Li Chen, Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2012) Does Non-Patent Reference Measure University-Industry Collaboration, 2012 PICMET, 29 Jul. – 2 Aug. Vancouver, Canada. (EI)

  123. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2012) Knowledge Map of Service Innovation, 2012 PICMET, 29 Jul. – 2 Aug., Vancouver, Canada. (EI)

  124. Pei-Chun Lee, Carey Ming-Li Chen, Hsin-Ning Su* (2012) Analyzing Characteristics of Litigated Patent for Early Precaution of Patent Infringement, 2012 IAMOT, Mar. 18-22., Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  125. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su*, Carey Ming-Li Chen (2012) Early Precaution of Cross-Border Patent Infringement, 2012 IAMOT, Mar. 18-22., Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  126. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su*, Carey Ming-Li Chen (2012) Evaluating the Use of Non-Patent Reference for Linking Science and Technology, 2012 IAMOT, Mar. 18-22., Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  127. Te-Yi Chan, Hsin-Ning Su, Michael Huang (2012) Industrial Innovation Development and Technological Interaction, 2012 IAMOT, Mar. 18-22., Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  128. Ming-Li Chen, Pei-Chun Lee and Hsin-Ning Su (2011) Constructing Patent Litigation Precaution System - Analyzing Characteristics of U.S. Litigated Patent from 1976 to 2010, 2011 CSMOT, Dec. 8-10, Taichung, Taiwan. (in Chinese)

  129. De-Kuan Jen, Ping-Lun Huang, Chien-Wen Huang, Su-Hau Chang, Ming-Li Chen and Hsin-Ning Su (2011) Analyzing Development Model of Taiwan Culture Creative Industry by Strategic Policy Information Tool, 2011 CSMOT, Dec. 8-10, Taichung, Taiwan. (in Chinese)

  130. Ping-Lun Huang, Ming-Li Chen, Chien-Wen Huang, Su-Hau Chang, De-Kuan Jen and Hsin-Ning Su (2011) The Role of Technology Policy on Green Industry—An Case Study of Intelligent Smart Car Industry, 2011 CSMOT, Dec. 8-10, Taichung, Taiwan. (in Chinese)

  131. Su-Hau Chang, De-Kuan Jen, Chien-Wen Huang, Ping-Lun Huang, Ming-Li Chen and Hsin-Ning Su (2011) A Systematic Analysis of the Strategic Development on Biotechnology Industry in Taiwan., 2011 CSMOT, Dec. 8-10, Taichung, Taiwan. (in Chinese)

  132. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2011) The Influence of Research on Policy, 2011 Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, Sep. 15-17, Atlanta, GA. USA.

  133. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su, Carey Ming-Li Chen (2011) Evaluating the Use of Non-Patent Reference for linking Science and Technology, 2011 Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, Sep. 15-17, Atlanta, GA. USA.

  134. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2011) Can Research Influence Policy? 2011 PICMET, Jul. 31–Aug. 4, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)

  135. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2011) What Roles do STI Policy Research Communities Play in Policy Practice? 2011 PICMET, Jul. 31–Aug. 4, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)

  136. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2010) Network Perspective of Science and Technology Policy Research Community in Taiwan, 2010 PICMET, July 18-22, Phuket, Thailand. (EI)

  137. Feng-Shang Wu, Chun-Chi Shiu, Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2010) Integrated Methodologies for Mapping and Forecasting Science and Technology Trends- A case of Etching Technology, 2010 PICMET, July 18-22, Phuket, Thailand. (EI)

  138. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee, Te-Yi Chan (2010) Bibliometric Assessments of Network Formations by Keyword-based Vector Space Model, 2010 PICMET, July 18-22, Phuket, Thailand. (EI)

  139. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2010) Visualization of Global Science and Technology Policy Research Structure, 2010 IAMOT, Cairo, Egypt, Mar. 8-11.

  140. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2010) Science and Technology Policy Research Map in Taiwan, 2010 IAMOT, Mar. 8-11, Cairo, Egypt.

  141. Hsin-Ning Su*, Pei-Chun Lee, Te-Yi Chan (2010) Prediction of Network Formation by Vector Space Model- Empirical Study on Keyword-based Research Network, 2010 IAMOT, Mar. 8-11, Cairo, Egypt.

  142. Feng-Shang Wu, Chun-Chi Shiu, Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su* (2010) Integrated Method for Analyzing Science and Technology Trends- A Case of Etching Technology, 2010 IAMOT, Mar. 8-11, Cairo, Egypt.

  143. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee, I-Ching Chien,  Te-Yi Chan (2009) Network Perspective of Science and Technology Policy Research Community in Taiwan, 2009 CSMOT, Taipei, Taiwan.

  144. Se-Yuan Lee, Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee, Te-Yi Chan (2009) Mapping Global Science and Technology Policy Research Structure, 2009 CSMOT, Taipei, Taiwan.

  145. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2009)  Dynamic and Quantitative Exploration on Technology Evolution Mechanism - The Case of Electrical Conducting Polymer Nanocomposite, 2009 PICMET, Aug. 2-6, Portland, Oregon, USA.

  146. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2009) Knowledge Map of Publications in Research Policy, 2009 PICMET, Aug. 2-6, Portland, Oregon, USA.

  147. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2009) Network Perspective of Regional Innovation System Research, 2009 ISPIM, Aug. 21-24, Vienna, Austria.

  148. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2009) Mapping Knowledge Evolution of Technology Foresight, 2009 Academy of Management Conference, Aug. 7-11, Chicago, IL, USA.

  149. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2009) Patent Citation Network Analysis on Identifying Critical Techniques- A Case of Thermal Stable Polymer Nanocomposite, 2009 IAMOT, April 5-9, Orlando, Florida, USA.

  150. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2009) Investigation of Research Focus Parallelship for Technology Foresight by Network Analysis, 2009 IAMOT, April 5-9, Orlando, Florida, USA.

  151. Pei-Chun Lee, Feng-Shang Wu, Hsin-Ning Su (2009) Knowledge Evolution of Regional Innovation System, 2009 IAMOT, April 5-9, Orlando, Florida, USA.

  152. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2008) Novel Methodology for Sci-Tech Policy Research-Technological Dynamics Analysis by Network Theory, 2008 CSMOT, Taiwan. (in Chinese)

  153. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2008) Mapping Technological Trajectory as Patent Statistics and Delphi Investigation, 2008 ICMIT, Sep. 21-24, Bangkok, Thailand.

  154. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2008) Future Perspectives on Material/Nanotechnology development: Delphi Studies and Sci-Tech policies in Japan, Mainland China and Taiwan, 2008 PICMET, July 27-31, Cape Town, South Africa.

  155. Hsin-Ning Su, Philip Nash and Zi-Kui Liu (2003) Enthalpies of Formation in the Al-Ni-Fe System by Direct Reaction Synthesis Calorimetry, 203rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Paris, France.




  1. Hsin-Ning Su (2015) Analyzing and Managing Digital Humanities Research Projects, Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter Quarterly, 17 (1), 89-100.

  2. Jie Chen, Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2009) Korean Strategy for 4G Information and Communication Development, Sci-Tech Policy Review.

  3. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2009) Global Nanotechnology Development, Sc-Tech Industrial Information Room.

  4. Jun Lee, Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2008) National Nanotechnology Strategy – Technology Foresight of Japan, Germany and Denmark, Science and Technology Report, 2, 75-79.

  5. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2007) A New Social Perspective for Taiwan Technology Development-Implantation of Technology Foresight into National Innovation Policy, Sci-Tech Policy Review - International Journal, 1 (2) 61-65.

  6. Pei-Chun Lee, Hsin-Ning Su (2007) Technology Foresight and Taiwan Innovation Policy”, Sci-Tech Policy Review - International Journal, 63, 63-65.

  7. Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee, Cheng-Hua Ien, Kuo-Ming Chien (2008) The planning strategy and development framework of Japan innovation 25, Science and Technology Report, Feb. 2008.

  8. Pei-Chun lee, Hsin-Ning Su, Chen-Chong Yo, Kuo-Ming Chien (2007) From Japanese Innovation 25 to Taiwan Innovation Policy”, Science and Technology Report, Aug. 2007.

  9. Chi-Min Kao, Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2007) The Thinking of New Type of Gene Regulation Model, Science and Technology Report, Jul. 2007.

  10. Chi-Min Kao, Kuo-Ming Chien, Hsin-Ning Su, Pei-Chun Lee (2007) The Analysis of Innovation Factors in Technology Foresight”, Science and Technology Report, Mar. 2007.

  11. Chi-Min Kao, Pei-Chun Lee, Kuo-Ming Chien, Hsin-Ning Su (2007) The Changing of Japanese Science and Technology Policy- Third Term Basic Plan for Science and Technology (II)”, Science and Technology Report, Feb., 2007.

  12. Chi-Min Kao, Pei-Chun Lee, Kuo-Ming Chien, Hsin-Ning Su (2007) The Changing of Japanese Science and Technology Policy- Third Term Basic Plan fo Science and Technology (I)”, Science and Technology Report, Jan., 2007.

  13. Hsin-Ning Su, Philip Nash (2005) Enthalpies of Formation in the Al—Ni—Ru System by Direct Reaction Synthesis Calorimetry. ChemInform, Volume 37, Issue 2, 13 DEC 2005, DOI: 10.1002/chin.200602012




  1. Analyzing Innovation Capability and critical actors of International Biopharmaceutial Industries (STIP Lab, NCHU) [2017]

  2. Turmeric Patent Analysis Report (STIP Lab, NCHU) [2015]

  3. Analyzing Patent Portfolio of Fintech Industry (STIP Lab, NCHU) [2015]

  4. Analyzing Patent Portfolio of Electric Scooter Industry (STIP Lab, NCHU) [2015]

  5. Analyzing Patent Portfolio of Metal Rolling In Machine Tool Industry (STIP Lab, NCHU) [2015]

  6. Analyzing the Role of Electric Scooter in Traffic, Sustainable Energy from the Perspective of Patent Portfolio (STIP Lab, NCHU) [2015]

  7. Wearing Innovation and Sustainability- the Development and Social Impact of Wearable Devices (STIP Lab, NCHU) [2015]

  8. Analysis of Patent Portfolio of Wearable Electronic Device Industry (STIP Lab, NCHU) [2015]

  9. A New Hope for Disaster Prevention- The Use of Management Methodologies for Investigating Taiwan’s Disaster Issues and Solutions (STIP Lab, NCHU) [2015]

  10. Investigating Development Trend of Energy Industry  with Patent Indicator (STIP Lab, NCHU) [2015]

  11. Analysis of Patent Litigation and Knowledge Flow of the Mobile Phone Industry (STIP Lab, NCHU) [2015]

  12. Development strategy Analysis on Taiwan's Green Energy Industry (Sci-Tech Policy Research and Information Center, National Applied Research Laboratories) [2010]

  13. Development strategy Analysis on Taiwan's Biotechnology Industry (Sci-Tech Policy Research and Information Center, National Applied Research Laboratories) [2010]

  14. Development strategy Analysis on Taiwan's Medical Therapy Industry (Sci-Tech Policy Research and Information Center, National Applied Research Laboratories) [2010]

  15. Development strategy Analysis on Taiwan's Agriculture Industry (Sci-Tech Policy Research and Information Center, National Applied Research Laboratories) [2010]

  16. Development strategy Analysis on Taiwan's Culture Creative Industry (Sci-Tech Policy Research and Information Center, National Applied Research Laboratories) [2010]

  17. Development strategy Analysis on Taiwan's Tourism Industry (Sci-Tech Policy Research and Information Center, National Applied Research Laboratories) [2010]

  18. Analysis Report for Korea 4G Information and Communication Strategies (Sci-Tech Policy Research and Information Center, National Applied Research Laboratories) [2010]




Ph.D. Student


Yu-Ting  TSAI  蔡宇庭

Ph.D. student in Technology Management, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Master student in Management of Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University​

B.A. in Department of English, National Central University



Xing-Dong GAO/高興東

Ph.D. student in Technology Management, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Master student in Global Business and Strategy,National Taiwan Normal University 
B.A. in Business Administration,National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Hsin-Lun CHIANG  蔣欣倫

Ph.D. student in Technology Management, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Master of Tourism, Providence University

Bachelor of Foreign Languages and Literature, Feng Chia University.


Pattharaporn WIPATKRUT

Ph.D. student in Technology Management, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

M.S. in Chemical Technology, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

B.S. in Industrial Chemistry, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand


I-Chun LAI 賴怡君

Ph.D. student in Technology Management, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Master of Communications, National Chiao Tung University

Bachelor of Law. National ChengChi University


Chuan-Wei KUO 郭權瑋


Ph.D. student in Computer Science, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

MBA in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University

B.S. in Mathematics, National Kaohsiung Normal University


Master Student

Yi-Chen, KUO /郭奕辰

Master student in Management of Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chung Hsing University


Yu-Wen, CHANG /張郁雯

Master student in Management of Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University



Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 4_edited.jpg
Yu-Pei HUANG /黃宇珮

Master student in Management of Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
B.A. in department of Mathematics,National Chahghua University of Education

Ai-Yuan YIN / 殷愛媛

Master student in Management of Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literature, National Tsing Hua University



Undergradaute Student



Ching-San CHEN 陳卿珊 

Master student in Management of Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

B.S. in Communication, Navigation and Control Engineering, National Ocean University


Ling-Yun HSU 許齡芸 

Master student in Management of Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Master in Electronics Engineering, National Taiwan University

B.S. in EECS, National Chiao Tung University


Yu SUN 孫瑀


Master student in Management of Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

B.S. in Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University


Yu-Ting TSAI 蔡昱葶

Master student in Management of Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literature, National Tsing Hua University



Yun-Tzu CHOU 周蘊慈

Master student in Management of Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

B.S. in Quantitative Finance, National Tsing Hua University


Hsin-Li LI 李欣秝

Master student in Management of Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

B.S. in Communication and Technology, National Chiao Tung University


Yu-Chun HUANG 黃煜淳

Master student in Management of Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

B.S. in Diplomacy, National Chengchi University


Yung-Tien CHU 朱詠田

Master student in Computer Science, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University


Ying-An CHEN 陳盈安

Master student in Management of Technology, National Chiao Tung University

B.S. in Management Science, National Chiao Tung University


Yi-Ting TSAI 蔡依庭

Master student in Management of Technology, National Chiao Tung University

B.S. in Mathematics, National Chung Cheng University


Ang-Lu LIN 林昂履


Master student in Management of Technology, National Chiao Tung University

B.S. in Mathematics, National Changhua University of Education

Research: Assessing patterns of global technological knowledge diffusion in geographic context


Keng-Hua CHUANG 莊庚樺


Master student in Management of Technology, National Chiao Tung University

B.S. in Finance, Tung Hai University


Dr. Igam M. MOANIBA  


Ph.D. in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2019)

M.S. in Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University

B.S. in Computer Science, Fiji University


Chih-Hua HUANG 黃智樺


MBA in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2019)

B.S. in Public Relations and Advertising, Shih-Hsin University


Yi-Siang LIN 林毅翔

MBA in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2018)

Current Position: Database Administrator, Titansoft Pte Ltd.


Ssu-Hua CHEN 陳思樺

MBA in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2018)

Current Position: Marketing in Accessory Business Unit, Merry Electronics Co., Ltd. 


Pei-Hua HUANG 黃珮華

MBA in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2016)

Current Position: Marketing/Project manager, Jadard Technology Limited Taiwan Branch


Tzu-Ying LEE  李姿瑩

MBA in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2016)

Current Position: Human Resource Administrator, E-Sheng Steel Co., LTD.


Syuan-Yi JIANG 江宣怡

Ph.D. Candidate in Department of Innovation Economics, Technical University of Berlin, Germany

MBA in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2015)

Current Position: Ph.D. Candidate of Technical University of Berlin


Chien-Che CHIU 邱健哲

MBA in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2015)

Current Position: Database Administrator, Titansoft Pte Ltd.


Yen-Tzu CHU 朱彥慈

MBA in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2015)

Current Position: Specialist, Business Development, Quanta Cloud Technology


Ching-Wen KANG 康晴雯

MBA in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2014)

Current Position: 


Tsai-Ge LU 陸綵格

MBA in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2014)

Current Position: 


Michael Lee 李卓恆

MBA in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2014)

Current Position: Associate Manager, Business Management/Gadget Product Business/IT Product Business, Acer Inc.


Jia-Yun LIN 林佳韻

MBA in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2014)

Current Position: 


Joseph LEE 李小喬

MBA in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2013)

Current Position: Software Developer, Ripple Software Consulting, Canada


Yin-Hsuan WU 巫胤璇

MBA in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2012)

Current Position: Vice Engineer, Smart Channel & Logistics Department, Living Logistics Services Division, Service Systems Technology Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute.



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  • Ph. D. of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA [1999-2004]

  • Visiting Scholar, Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden [2004]

  • Visiting Scholar, University of Chicago, USA [2000-2004]

  • Visiting Scholar, Pennsylvania State University, USA [2002]

  • M. S. of Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taiwan [1993-1995]



Work Experience

  1. Hsinchu City Government Investment Promotion Committee Member  [2024/8~]

  2. Hsinchu City Government Smart City Promotion and Data Governance Advisory Committee Member [2024/2~2026/1]

  3. Visiting Scholar, University of Tokyo, Japan [2024/1]

  4. Director of Post EMBA, College of Management, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University [2023/8-]

  5. Deputy Director, Sustainability Leadership Research Center, College of Management, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University [2023/2-]

  6. AACSB Director, College of Management, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University [2022/8-]

  7. Professor, Institute of Management of Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University [2021/8-]

  8. Visiting Scholar, Yonsei University, Korea [2019/1]

  9. Associate Professor, Institute of Management of Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University [2018/8-2021/7]

  10. Visiting Scholar, Yonsei University, Korea [2018/8]

  11. Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University [2018/2-2018/8]

  12. Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University [2011/8-2018/2]

Other Experience

  1. Global Colloquium on Participant-Centered Learning Course, Harvard Business School [2023/7]

  2. Director General of 2020 CSMOT (Chinese Society for Management of Technology) Conference  [2020/4~2020/12]

  3. Instructor of Vietnam Science and Technology Policy and Management Program, NTHU & TCFST [2019, 7]

  4. Director of Degree Program of Management of Technology, College of Management, National Chiao Tung University [2018/8-2019/7]

  5. Research Assistant, Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology [1999/8-2004/12]

  6. Teaching Assistant, Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology [1999/8-2001/7]


  1. Executive Editor, Journal of Technology Management [2020/11~]

  2. Area Editor (Intellectual Property and Big Data), Journal of Technology Management [2020/11~]

  3. Editorial Board of International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning [2019/11~]







Institute of Management of Technology

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University


+886-3-5712121 ext. 57503





Institute of Management of Technology, No. 1001, Ta-Hsueh Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan



新竹市大學路 1001 號綜合一館七樓

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